Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning Japanese phrases, numbers and foods for tourists.
Plan, build and manage an emergency stock based on official recommendations.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning the flags of all countries.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning the Japanese syllables Hiragana and Katakana.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning the chemical elements.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning the capital cities of all countries.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning "Berühmte Zitate & Aphorismen".
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning everything about famous paintings.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning Latin proverbs, quotes & idioms.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning German "Fremdwörter und bildungssprachliche Begriffe".
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning German "Jägersprache".
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning all states of the United States.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning all presidents of the United States.
Multiple-choice/flashcard-based app for learning sophisticated English vocabulary.
Learn to match Japanese kanas by matching Hiragana and/or Katakana and/or Romanji and/or their pronunciations.
Climb up the high score lists!
A to-do list app for everday life.See details